إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

How old is your current profile picture?
Want to see your most recent check-ins spread out on a map?
How many likes and comments have there been on your recent albums?
Want to keep track of your friend count?
How many countries have you checked into in the last 12 months?
Or how many profile pictures have you ever had?

AllTime provides all this information and more in an app packed with an ever growing amount of statistics you can pick and choose from to show you cool and interesting stats and facts about your Facebook activity.

Current available stats include:
- Most recent album
- Most recent albums
- Total friend count
- Most recent post
- Countries in the last 12 months
- Friends using this app
- Most recent check-ins
- Last 10 songs played
- Number of profile pictures
- Profile picture age
- Upcoming events
- Pages you manage
+ Many more being added constantly